Who is St. Luke, the Evangelist?

Luke heard the call, and he responded. As a doctor, he treated people and cured their diseases. As an Evangelist, he fed their souls with God’s word. As an academic, he wrote a brilliant Gospel after researching and interviewing eyewitnesses. Luke’s Gospel is both historical and revolutionary (concerning the issue of gender equality). Today’s evangelists are not just those wearing cassocks, suits or white garments. Today’s greatest evangelists touch lives right where they are: doctors, lawyers, engineers, information technology experts, businessmen, etc. You, too, are needed here.

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Cleanse what is Inside You

Why did Jesus address the Pharisees as fools? The Pharisees thought they could deceive God by their external show of religiosity. They dressed well and prayed in the marketplaces to attract the praise of men, but their hearts were “full of extortion and wickedness.” It is better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not.

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Receiving the Kingdom of God like a Child

Job was not privileged to attend the meeting where his matter was discussed. Little did he know that his unfortunate circumstance was not coincidental. Job had no idea that he was being tested. Yet, he passed the test. We are told: “In all these, Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.” Job’s success came from his childlike attitude and his willingness to accept things as they are.

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Do Not Close Your Ear to The Cry of The Poor

“If you close your ear to the cry of the poor, you will cry out and not be heard.” (Proverbs 21:13). This is a stark reminder of the consequences of indifference. It echoes the Golden Rule: “So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12). No one has it all; no one is absolutely rich. We are all poor in one way or another. This is why we need each other.

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Love Your Enemies; Avoid Scandal and Idolatry

Thank God for your enemies. Always wish them well. Enemies are blessings in disguise; they help to bring out the best in us. Enemies remind us to be careful and prayerful. Enemies serve as road signs, speed bumps, and other safety signals that prevent us from road accidents. Enemies are like hot water that helps to cook the food. Do you wish to get to the top or see your dreams come true? Pray to have enough enemies to challenge you.

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It Is Never Too Late for God

Ezekiel’s prophecy of the dry bones shows us that there can be dead cases as far as our life is concerned. We can always change; there is always room for repentance. We can never be too old to start learning again. Why is it that it can never be too late for God? His steadfast love never ceases; His mercies endure forever. God’s mercies are new every morning. As we often sing: “Great is thy faithfulness, O Lord. Great is thy faithfulness.”

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Create in Us a New Heart

That God is a God of the second chance is again revealed in His willingness to entrust great responsibilities to us despite his full knowledge of our human weaknesses. Jesus knew how fragile Peter’s faith was and how rash he could be in thinking, yet he made him the first pope. “You are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my Church.” (Matthew 16:18).

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Beware of Fake Prophets and Fake Prophecies

Telling lies is very bad. Telling lies in God’s name is even worse. This is because when you claim to have received a message from God, and it turns out that the message was false, you make God look like a liar. For this, Hananiah died that year. Many so-called men of God “prophesied” great and wonderful things about this country on New Year’s Day. How many of such prophecies happened? Either they did not hear well when God spoke, or they did not hear from God

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To Change Your Life, Change Your Soil

Another way of understanding this parable is to think of the various soils as symbols of the time we devote to studying God’s Word daily. While the seed that fell on the path represents those who do not spend up to five minutes daily meditating on God’s Word, the seed that fell on good soil represents those who spend hours on God’s Word daily.

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Why Does God Allow Wicked People to Succeed?

Regardless of the magnitude of our sins, God never stops loving us; He never stops believing in our inherent goodness. Like the Father in the story of the Prodigal Son, God never gets tired of waiting for our return. If God were to treat us according to our wickedness, none of us would still be alive. (cf. Psalm 103:10). It is easy to point fingers at others for wickedness. However, the truth is that we would do worse things if we were in their shoes. Before you ask God to kill anyone you consider wicked, why not ask: “Have I killed my wickedness?”

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I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice

God knows how it feels to be so hungry that you begin to chew paper (or anything that meets your eye). Whether we like it or not, there is hunger in our country today; people are ready to do anything to survive. We may want to judge them like the Pharisees who condemned Jesus and his disciples. However, before pointing fingers at anybody, ask yourself: “What have I done to help?”

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Humility is the Key to Understanding God

As a child, I never doubted God. It was very easy to believe everything I was told. The biblical stories made sense to me because I could see their lessons. Even though I had no evidence, I never asked: “Did that really happen?” The stories were real to me as long as I could imagine them. We must have this attitude about God’s kingdom: a deep sense of humility, the willingness to learn, never claiming to know more than one’s teacher, and a readiness to follow instructions to the letter with a sense of trust in God.

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